Friday, April 16, 2010

Economy News: Good news for United States: Manufacturing and consumer spending grows

United States, as well as China and European nations, are experiencing an increase of their factory output.

While a 50 or above represents a growth of their output, USA index rose to 59'6 points last month, keeping the same trend of the last eight months, according to Institut for Supply Management's studies.

As said, European nations manufacture are growing too. UK activity actually has the fastest growing rates for the last 15 years, while Germany is having the fastest manufacturing rates of the last 10 years. France's manufacture sees the best expansion since 2006

On the other hand, US consumer spending keeps increasing at a slow-but-steady pace, increasing since January. Analysts expect that spending keeps growing (at a slower rates) the next months.

Good news, as we said, because consumer spending is watched closely, since represents more than 2/3 of the total United States economic activity. As we'll do.

USA is doing is homework, recovering for the crisis.

More information at:

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