Sunday, May 9, 2010

Average pay of U.S. jobs 2009 (And, surprisely, Obama is on 1% top)

Kiplinger using U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, sorted different jobs of American landscape. Here are some highlights:

- U.S poverty line is located at $10,830/year, for a single-person household. Under this line, lives 39.1 million people, a 12.65%.

- The real median household income in 2008, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

- U.S.Minimun wage is $15,080.

- A laundry / dry cleaning worker earns $19,945 every year.

- A construction worker, $28,520.

- Registered nurse is the profession projected to account for largest number of new jobs between 2008 and 2018 due Obama's healthcare.

- Postal Service Mail Sorter is the profession projected to account for third-most lost jobs between 2008 and 2018.

- Obama's (or any U.S president) base salary is $400,000, President of a United States Public University $436,111. Of course, Obama's earnings aren't limited to his base salary, as he earns every year over $5 million, in diverse ways.

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1 comentaris:

Generic Viagra said...

this is so concerned, I mean the most of the population are in the this salary level, including me, for that reason I was thinking in look for a half time job.

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