Thursday, April 15, 2010

Economy News: Corruption ranking among countries

Transparency International, a German organization, ranked the corruption perception of every country. According to the survey, again the nordic countries are at the top ten of the less corrupted countries, with Denmark at the highest place, followed by Finland,New Zeland, Singapore and Sweden, with Somalia and Myanmar being the most corrupt ones.

Using a composite index, with 14 polls and surveys from 12 independendent organizations, Transparency International gathered the opinions of business people and country analysts. Only 180 of the world 193 recognized countries are included, due the absence of reliable data from others countries, such as North Korea.

The score range from 10 (totally clean) to zero (totally corrupt). A score of 5 is what Transparency International considers the border line between countries with and without a serious corruption problem.

Countries that have significantly improved their rating since the 2006 index were Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominica, Italy, Macedonia, Namibia, Romania, Seychelles, South Africa, Suriname, and Swaziland. Some of the countries that have a significantly worse rating since 2006 include Austria, Bahrain, Belize, Bhutan, Jordan, Laos, Macao, Malta, Mauritius, Oman, Papua New Guinea, and Thailand.

Country 2007
CPI Score
1. Denmark 9.4

Finland 9.4

New Zealand 9.4
4. Singapore 9.3

Sweden 9.3
6. Iceland 9.2
7. Netherlands 9.0

Switzerland 9.0
9. Canada 8.7

Norway 8.7
11. Australia 8.6
12. Luxembourg 8.4

United Kingdom 8.4
14. Hong Kong 8.3
15. Austria 8.1
16. Germany 7.8
17. Ireland 7.5

Japan 7.5
19. France 7.3
20. USA 7.2
21. Belgium 7.1
22. Chile 7.0
23. Barbados 6.9
24. St. Lucia 6.8
25. Spain 6.7

Uruguay 6.7
27. Slovenia 6.6
28. Estonia 6.5

Portugal 6.5
30. Israel 6.1

St. Vincent and the Grenadines 6.1
32. Qatar 6.0
33. Malta 5.8
34. Macao 5.7

Taiwan 5.7

United Arab Emirates 5.7
37. Dominica 5.6
38. Botswana 5.4
39. Cyprus 5.3

Hungary 5.3
41. Czech Republic 5.2

Italy 5.2
43. Malaysia 5.1

South Africa 5.1

South Korea 5.1
46. Bahrain 5.0

Bhutan 5.0

Costa Rica 5.0
49. Cape Verde 4.9

Slovakia 4.9
51. Latvia 4.8

Lithuania 4.8
53. Jordan 4.7

Mauritius 4.7

Oman 4.7
56. Greece 4.6
57. Namibia 4.5

Samoa 4.5

Seychelles 4.5
60. Kuwait 4.3
61. Cuba 4.2

Poland 4.2

Tunisia 4.2
64. Bulgaria 4.1

Croatia 4.1

Turkey 4.1
67. El Salvador 4.0
68. Colombia 3.8
69. Ghana 3.7

Romania 3.7
71. Senegal 3.6
72. Brazil 3.5

China 3.5

India 3.5

Mexico 3.5

Morocco 3.5

Peru 3.5

Suriname 3.5
79. Georgia 3.4

Grenada 3.4

Saudi Arabia 3.4

Serbia 3.4

Trinidad and Tobago 3.4
84. Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.3

FYR Macedonia 3.3

Gabon 3.3

Jamaica 3.3

Kiribati 3.3

Lesotho 3.3

Maldives 3.3

Montenegro 3.3

Swaziland 3.3

Thailand 3.3
94. Madagascar 3.2

Panama 3.2

Sri Lanka 3.2

Tanzania 3.2
98. Vanuatu 3.1
99. Algeria 3.0

Armenia 3.0

Belize 3.0

Dominican Republic 3.0

Lebanon 3.0

Mongolia 3.0
105. Albania 2.9

Argentina 2.9

Bolivia 2.9

Burkina Faso 2.9

Djibouti 2.9

Egypt 2.9
111. Eritrea 2.8

Guatemala 2.8

Moldova 2.8

Mozambique 2.8

Rwanda 2.8

Solomon Islands 2.8

Uganda 2.8
118. Benin 2.7

Malawi 2.7

Mali 2.7

Sao Tome and Principe 2.7

Ukraine 2.7
123. Comoros 2.6

Guyana 2.6

Mauritania 2.6

Nicaragua 2.6

Niger 2.6

Timor-Leste 2.6

Viet Nam 2.6

Zambia 2.6
131. Burundi 2.5

Honduras 2.5

Iran 2.5

Libya 2.5

Nepal 2.5

Philippines 2.5

Yemen 2.5
138. Cameroon 2.4

Ethiophia 2.4

Pakistan 2.4

Paraguay 2.4

Syria 2.4
143. Gambia 2.3

Indonesia 2.3

Russia 2.3

Togo 2.3
147. Angola 2.2

Guinea-Bissau 2.2

Nigeria 2.2
150. Azerbaijan 2.1

Belarus 2.1

Congo, Republic 2.1

Côte d´Ivoire 2.1

Ecuador 2.1

Kazakhstan 2.1

Kenya 2.1

Kyrgyzstan 2.1

Liberia 2.1

Sierra Leone 2.1

Tajikistan 2.1

Zimbabwe 2.1
162. Bangladesh 2.0

Cambodia 2.0

Central African Republic 2.0

Papua New Guinea 2.0

Turkmenistan 2.0

Venezuela 2.0
168. Congo, Democratic Republic of 1.9

Equatorial Guinea 1.9

Guinea 1.9

Laos 1.9
172. Afghanistan 1.8

Chad 1.8

Sudan 1.8
175. Tonga 1.7

Uzbekistan 1.7
177. Haiti 1.6
178. Iraq 1.5
179. Myanmar 1.4

Somalia 1.4

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